Tuesday, September 29, 2015

10 out of 10 Blogs

So What Did You Learn?

What do you see yourself doing in 5-10 years professionally and how do you see health (Mind, Body, Spirit) playing a role in your future? 


  1. In five years I hope to have completed My Penn State Bachelor's Degree in Meteorology, and be starting out a TV station as a Broadcast Meteorologist. Keeping my mind, body, and spirit healthy is always going to be a key factor in life, because a healthy mind is going to help me learn and grow in my profession and in knowledge; a healthy body is going to help me come to work ready to go and to be able to follow my kids around all hours of the day; and a healthy spirit is going to ensure I am leading a happy life for not only me, but the people around me as well.

  2. In five years I see myself continuing on the path to becoming a veterinarian. I want to keep education as a priority of course but because of this class I understand the value of a healthy mind. I want to begin by taking time of my busy day and relaxing so that I don't become exhausted and overwhelmed. I want to continue my health journey by attending the gym an hour a day to continue to reduce my stress. Spirit wise I want to stay at peace in my mind so that I don't let outside things bother me to the point where I'm upset.

  3. In five years I hope to have completed my Penn State Bachelor's degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management and be working somewhere in the sports world or be working for a corporation. I plan to keep my mind, body, and spirit healthy because these are extremely important factors in my life that I need in order to be successful. A healthy mind is going to allow me to continue to gain knowledge and be at the top of my game; a healthy body is going to allow me to get to work everyday and get my kids to school/activities; a healthy spirit will lead me to a positive and healthy lifestyle that I hope I will be able to share with my family and friends as well. Essentially, I see myself having a bright future because I know that I am going to work hard to get there and achieve the goals I want. I am excited to see what is in store for my future.

  4. In five years, I see myself in living in the south attending grad school, hopefully studying medicine, and on the road to becoming a physician. I plan to keep my mind and body healthy, taking part in de-stressing activities like exercise and travel. I hope to also keep spiritually healthy by keeping in touch with my family back home with trips home to visit periodically. Home is always a good reset button for me and I know it will continue to be as I move forward throughout school and towards my career.

  5. In five years, I hope to have completed my BS in nursing and have a stable job back home. Through this class, I have learned many important strategies to keeping a healty mind, body and spirit. I've learned to view stress as an important aspect of every day life. I will continue to try to handle my stress in a positive way that is beneficial to my health. I will also continue to work on good eating habits, a routine sleep schedule, and other healthy behaviors I was ntroduced to due to this class.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. In five years, I see myself graduated with my bachelor's degree. I would continue on to grad school to further my education. I plan to keep my mind, body, and spirit as healthy as I can and I can do so with some tips I've learned from this class. Sleep and stress is apart of everyone's life and it is important to know how to manage them both so you can have a healthy balance.

  8. In five years I hope to be independent and on my own. I hope to have a decent job. I am concerned about with trying to manage my stress and maintaining my good habits during such a huge life change like becoming independent and moving out of state. I will certainly take some of the ideas I learned about in this class, especially about stress, of which I thought the Tedtalk video was pretty interesting.

  9. In 5 years, I see myself having graduated with at least a 3.0 GPA from Penn State Altoona with my bachelor's degree in Security and Risk Analysis (SRA). I will continue to work at my current position as a systems administrator at the chemical company that I am currently working for.

    In ten years, I hope to be the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at the chemical company that I currently work for or some other company anywhere in the United States. Maybe I will start my own computer security company with the experience that I have gained by this time.

  10. In five years, I want to finish my education in Penn State University, and continue on master degree. Also i want to be independent and try earn money by myself. What is more important, I need to keep exercising, and have a health body to studying and working. And I will continue doing volunteer, I think it is a good way to return god’s love, and do my best to help people who need people.

  11. In 5-10 years, I hope to have finished my time at Penn State and be studying in medical school. Hopefully what I have learned about mind, body, and spirit in bio behavioral health will help me with every day life. I'll use what I have learned about the mind to relax myself and selfdiagnos when in a tense state. I'll use the information on body to keep a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. I'll use the lessons about spirit to help me make decisions and dictate how I interact with others; hopefully not just helping myself but others around me.

  12. In 5-10 years i will have a few restaurants and i will be the happiest man of this planet. All i ever wanted to do was run my own business and try my best to make everyone around me happy. Also have a place where people come to work and enjoy working, a place with an amazing environment.

  13. In five years.... I hope to be out of school with an Bachelor Degree in Nursing. I want to believe that I will be in Tennessee at Saint Jude's children's hospital of pediatric oncology. I hope that I am at least engaged and in a happy relationship. If I actually make it through nursing, I think I will truly believe that I am smart enough to be where I am in five years. It would be nice to be more fit and active when it comes to my body. Learning healthier eating habits would also be nice. When it comes to spirituality, I do not believe I will become religious or change my beliefs for any good reason.

    In ten years, I want to be happily married and starting a family. By this point I would like to live in my own house and moving up in my job. Still working on bettering my health and remaining truly strong with my values.

  14. In five to ten years, I hope to graduate from college with a bachelors degree in business marketing and management, or go to medical school to become a doctor. Then, eventually save a lot of money up so I can help my birth mother build a house in Vietnam that she can call hers. She never owned one because she was too poor. I want to bring my brothers and sisters to America so then can get a education, and then find a job that pays good. My brothers, sisters, and I can send money to my birth mom and help her with financial needs until she is stable enough to be on her own. I want to do this because my mother gave me a better life to live and opportunities that I would never have back in Vietnam. I hope to be engaged or married to an amazing man that treats me well. I see myself starting to have a family. I see myself being as healthy as I can be and living as long as I can. I want to work till the day where my body cannot physically take it anymore. I will always be religious and a christian. I will go to church as often as I can.

  15. In 5 years I hope to see myself graduated from university park with a degree in health policy and administration, being a pharmaceutical sales representative. I plan on moving to Kentucky or North Carolina and settling down with a family. I really hope I am still into fitness and have more time to go to the gym to better my health and body.

  16. In 5 years, I hopefully will be attending vet school where I will be studying as hard as I can to become a veterinarian. I've always loved and enjoyed being around animals and I'd like to get closer to having a profession that makes me happy. I'd also like to be more financially independent and rely less on my parents for money and more on the money I make myself.
    As for my body, I'd simply like to be healthy. I don't have to join a gym or do crazy workouts, but rather I'd just like to be happy with my own body as long as its in good condition.

  17. In 5 years I see myself as a Dietician with my own practice helping out patients from hospital with dietary advice, and following my powerlifting, and bodybuilding goals on the side as my ever going fitness goals.

  18. I see myself graduated college and starting my carrier in either Crime Scene Investigation or Criminology. I plan to have my own place by then whether it be with a significant other or a roommate. Health wise I hope to be very content mentally and happy with my life. I plan to take part in yoga and a healthy life style because nothing can beat a healthy, happy, successful person.

  19. In 5-10 years I plan to be interning or working in risk management and i think i am pretty in tune with my health and i think that though there may be many complications on the road to completing my goals my health is not one of the things that could get in my way.

  20. In five years I see myself working in a medical manufacturing company somewhere in a warm client. Hopefully my major choice helps be successful and well off. I see my health as something that will be pretty good overall and not causing too many issues. If I keep up with eating properly and exercising it shouldn't have an adverse effects in 5 years.

  21. in five years i will get my bachelors degree and hopefully continue my education to do a masters degree in NY. i think health is the foundation of all. whatever i want to do in my future without a healthy mentality and a healthy physical state i cannot accomplish my life goals.

  22. I can't really see myself in 5-10 years because that would mean knowing exactly what I want to be and do and I don't have a grasp of that quite yet. I would like to see myself working, maybe in the field of advertisement, marketing or business in general. I'd like it to be overseas, mainly in Europe. Above all, I want to enjoy whatever it is I decide to do. I've never been very religious or spiritual, but I do take certain teachings from Buddhism and Hinduism to heart, and try to live by them. That being said, I can't really clasify myself as such since I do not practice neither religion by the book or thorough. I translate it to my own personal philosophy and way of life. Regardless, my mind and spirit play a big role in my future because I want to be happy, satisfied and content with what I do which in turn will then affect my life and state of mind/being.

  23. I hope to be a Speech Therapist at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). Although these a dreams and will take a lot to be reached, I hope to get a little closer each and every day. I want to help kids smile and make their overall life a lot brighter. I hope to help kids speak as best as they can because they are what we have to change the world. The kids are the next generation to make this world a better place and we can start by helping them be able to speak their mind.

  24. In the future, I will get my bachelor's in electro mechanical engineering technology. I hope to be working as a product design engineer for agricultural equipment. I will need to have a healthy mind and body to do the best job possible and to stay safe. I also hope to start a family and that will also require a healthy mind and body.

  25. In 5 years I see myself doing research in the biomedical field. With a bachelors from Penn State I plan on having a reliable job. I also see myself staying true to the interests and dreams I have today. I plan on continuing to write a science fiction novel and writing an music album. I also plan on continuing drawing concept art for a video game. I see myself being an active member in my family, helping anyone in need. As far as my health, I will probably quit smoking and eating too much. I know that if I plan on living a full life I need to start making good decisions for my health.

  26. In five years I hope to be successful with physical therapy. I hope to be healthy and happy with what i'll be doing. I hope to keep my interest in music.
