Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9 out of 10 Blogs
Spirituality is commonly defined as a person's connection with self, significant others, and the community at large. Many experts believe that spirituality involves a personal belief system or value system that gives meaning and purpose to life. What is your personal belief system or value?


  1. A value I have for myself is to simply stay open minded. I need to recognize that everyone has their own set of beliefs and values, and while I may not agree with them, I need to be respectful of them. It will also help me learn to be understanding with all types of people, and to help share my own spirituality.

  2. I have a lot of values that I strongly believe made me the person that I am today. One that I put a lot of emphasis on is "Family First" I was always taught to protect and love your family no matter what. They are a big part of my life and remain at the top of the list in all the things I do. It can be easy to get caught up in your own life in school. I Usually have a paper , then a test , and then something else. However I always make it a top priority to speak to them at-least once a day.

  3. Even though I have a lot of values, the two that stick out to be the most are to continue to be hard working and never give up. From the start, my parents have always pushed my sister and I to work hard and never give up. This has made us into competitive and passionate individuals. Essentially, if you work hard good things will happen and you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to. In addition, never giving up is a great value to have because it shows that you are determined to get the job done. I believe that having these values can take you extremely far in life.

  4. There are many values I have but the main one I have is being true to myself. I always try to do what i believe is right and not to listen to what other people say. I also value trust and loyalty. i think telling the truth and being loyal is a respected thing to have. I also value my family and will have their backs no matter what

  5. My personal belief is to try to finish tasks by myself rather than seeking help all the time. sometimes we need other people's help but when it comes to things we can do by ourselves i don't like to trouble others. Acknowledging our mistakes and accepting it is also my personal belief. When i have done something wrong i will admit it and apologize. i think it is an immature thing to do if we blame the mistakes on others or on things.

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  7. I personally like to live my life based on my happiness and my perseverance to my goals. I have big goals set for my life and I always have. I never stop until that goal is reached and then I set another one and keep working. I also highly value my happiness. This is a newer life motto of mine within the past year. I used to attend school at Robert Morris University because I thought that was a better choice for me and for others even though my life dream was to attend Penn State. As I was living too far away to go home for just a weekend, possessing no school spirit, and just generally being miserable in everything I was doing, a teammate of mine told me to be happy. It was such a simple conversation that I had with her and it turned my life around in the best way. I left my university and my team that was making me so miserable, I came to Penn State, I joined a sorority that later became my family and I'm generally just a happy person all the time. Now, every time I make decision to do something, I always ask myself if I will be happy if I say yes, and that's valued so highly in every decision I make.

  8. My personal belief and value system stems from the religious aspect of how I was raised and grew up. I grew up in a Buddhist household and I attended a Quaker school for a majority of my life. I strongly believe in treating others how you would want to be treated. There are also six things that I try to incorporate everyday and they are the SPICES: simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. All of these things will allow you to have a positive outlook as well as positive interactions with the people around you.

  9. Spirituality means many different things to many different people. To me, my opinions and nuances of spirituality seem to be constantly changing as I learn more about the world and people around me. The big ideas never change though: that humanity is one big community and we should be treating each other better with more equality. Tied with this is the importance to take care of the environment, and be tolerant of others' views, unless they hurt the community or environment at large. Personally I try to take responsibility for everything I do or think, and try to make a positive impact on people around me. Of course staying positive all the time and helping others is difficult, so we all have room to improve.

  10. Personally, I am an atheist. I don't participate in nor do I follow and sort of religion, organized or otherwise. I don't believe in karma or anything of the sort either. My life philosophy is to enjoy every second of it. I try to fill as much of my time as I can with loved ones, friends, family, hobbies, and activities that I greatly enjoy. I guess I'm sort of a hedonist.

  11. Although I was born in a Jewish household, I like to think of myself as agnostic in order to keep an open mind to all ideas. This belief has not only made me much more open minded but has helped me connect with my self more while at the same time being part of a group that supports me. It has made me more accepting of every religion and all ideas while at the same time allowing me to judge each one from a less group opinionated aspect. I get to enjoy life without having any predetermined decisions or opinions and in my opinion, that's how you can truly experience life fully without any complications.

  12. My personal belief is never try and hurt anyone and everyone is equal unless they do something horrible to someone else. I'm always opened minded no matter what the situation is or the person i am talking to. Always be good to people and don't hurt anyone on spite. I live my life to the fullest and keep a small circle of friends that i trust and would do anything for.

  13. I personally am not spiritual. I do not believe in a higher power or a special karma. I make my own values based off past experiences and what I believe is right. Of course I always try to keep an open mind and adapt to different cultures, but still my values remand strong. I value treating everyone with upmost respect. It is not necessary for me to believe that I got here because of Karma or a "God" that had a plan for me. I enjoy being able to say that I have gotten where I am now because of my values and my will power.

  14. I really can't say I am spiritual. I'm not atheist but I don't think "good" people go to heaven and "bad" people go to hell. I think if you surround yourself with people who truly care about you and you value yourself in all aspects then good things with happen to you.

  15. I am somewhat spiritual. I grew up in a Christian family and I think it is important to have a certain spirituality, whether it be in church, synagogue, mosque, your own home, etc. But maintaining the beliefs of your religion/ideals/morals is what's important.

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  17. When I think about spirituality so many different things come to my mind, but the first one that comes to my mind is my spiritually in religion. I am a Christian. When I was younger my parents raised my brothers, sisters, and I to believe in God. We went to church almost every Sunday. We got very involved in the church joining the choir, youth group, mission trips, and ect. Spirituality can mean so many different things to different people. When I think of it religion comes to my mind and my beliefs. I think it is important to have some type of spirituality in your life, whether it is in a church, or your own home.

  18. I hace a lot of vales, but the main one is never say never. In my life, i will face a lot of challenge. I always tell myself, Nothing is impossible, anything can happen in my life. I need to tell myself don’t give up in any time. it is very important to me. When i was in any difficulty things, I always give up when i was child. however, i will not give up, i will do my best to overcome the troubles.

  19. Spiritually I believe that my life does have purpose and that my existence is carried on after death by the impact I create on others and I do believe in a higher power that created the universe but I was raised Catholic and found issues with the bashings of gays and other religions and other faults within the church so I wouldn't say that I don't believe in religion but I just had issues within the one I was raised.

  20. I find myself to be more spiritual than religious. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I believe in karma. I think a healthy mind comes from being in touch with yourself and the nature around you, as well as knowing you are the one in charge of your life. I believe that there is a higher power out there, but I do not believe in worshiping anyone but your own self worth.

  21. i am a very giving person. i think one of my strongest values is to put others' happiness before my own. i am not very religious but i do a lot of volunteer work through my church and help others around the community and i have always done whatever was asked or was needed of me regardless of what i was doing at the time.

  22. I'm not particularly religious but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Things don't happen just because. I also highly believe in what you put out into the world will be what comes back to you. So if you are constantly being negative and bringing people down, you perspective of life is going to be depressing. However if you are positive and build people up then life will be brighter and happy.

  23. I am not religious but like I mentioned before, most of my values and beliefs derive themselves from Buddhism and Hinduism, which is why I can relate in some aspects to these religions though I do not practice them nor call them my own. I believe the mind is very powerful and it can control who we are, how we act, what we want, etc. I believe I was given this life to do and try what some many others could not. I believe that finding my happiness will let me bring that same happiness to those around me, which in turn will let me find my meaning or purpose in life. People are the key to building people, whether it may be up or down. "Mind over matter" is a very powerful saying to me.

  24. An important value I have is "Carpe Diem" which means "Seize The Day". My sister has it tattooed on her side in my dads handwriting because he used to tell us that all the time. I think everyone should live everyday as if it's their last and have no regrets. Always be happy and know that whatever is upsetting you at the time, will go away and/or get better. I've always been one to worry about things that you shouldn't worry about, then I'll worry about worrying too much, so I've heard my dad say this saying all the time. It definitely keeps me positive and do things that make me happy.

  25. I grew up in a christian household and continue to identify as a christian today. I believe loyalty to my family and friends is very important. I always want to help people if I can. I have strong beliefs but I try to be open to other beliefs. I believe that my religion helps me live my life in a way that I believe is morally right.

  26. I try to live a spiritual life guided by a personal set of morals. I try to be polite, honest and reliable. I also try to treat others the way I want to be treated. I believe if I can stay true to my values, I can live a full life.

  27. I don't really believe in much. I try and live my own life, and make my own decisions. I don't like the idea of some higher power controlling my destiny. Its not something i believe in.
